How to get ARCPanel

You can get a download link by pressing this button. It will grant you a free trial for ARCPanel. Feel free to play around and see if it fits your workflow.
Fetching discounts!


First, you need to download the panel. You can find your download link in the email you got after the purchase or free trial request. It will also be present in Members Area.
Downloaded file will look like ARCPanel.zxp.
Close your Adobe Photoshop and get ready to install.

Installation instructions

With the help of available installers, installing Adobe Photoshop extension is a very easy task.
When installed, ARCPanel connects to your copy of Adobe Photoshop. All panel settings will be preserved until you uninstall Adobe Photoshop completely.

What to keep in mind

ARCPanel works on Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud 2015.5 and higher. Latest version is always recommended to use, there panel will work the fastest of all.
Panel will also work on manually installed Adobe Photoshop copies, again, starting version 2015.5.
No guarantees for pirated copies of Adobe Photoshop though.


You can always do manual installation, but we recommend using one of the installer utilities: ZXPInstaller or Anastasiy's Extension Manager. Pick one, it doesn't matter which.

Install with AnastasiyEM

AnastasiyEM is a great utility that helps install Adobe extensions.
Download and install Anastasiy's Extension Manager


Drag&Drop ARCPanel.zxp into AnastasiyEM or select Install and navigate to downloaded ARCPanel copy.
AnastasiyEM will ask for a permission to install extension and after everything is done you will see something similar to the screenshot above.
You can always Remove the extension later.
After installation is complete, run Adobe Photoshop.
Open your image, then select Window -> Extensions -> ARCMask to open ARCMask tab and Window -> Extensions -> ARCEnhance to open ARCEnhance tab


Updating with AnastasiyEM is the same as installing.
Close Photoshop, drag&drop ARCPanel.zxp into AnastasiyEM or select Install and navigate to downloaded ARCPanel copy.
Manager will update the extension.
If you will experience errors, uninstall the extension completely and install again. Don't worry, you personal licence code and panel settings will be preserved.

Manual installation

Use this method if none of the above worked.


Follow described steps. Contact support if anything goes wrong.
  1. Rename downloaded ARCPanel.zxp into
  2. Find or create one of the following folders:
For Windows:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\ARCPanel (where USERNAME is your windows username)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\ARCPanel
For MacOS:
~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions
  1. Unpack into one of the folders
    Please, contact support if you have any issues
After installation is complete, run Adobe Photoshop.
Open your image, then select Window -> Extensions -> ARCMask to open ARCMask tab and Window -> Extensions -> ARCEnhance to open ARCEnhance tab


To update ARCPanel copy that you have installed manually you need to fully delete previously installed copy.
To do that, navigate to the folder where you have manually installed ARCPanel and delete ARCPanel folder with all it's contents.
After that, follow manual installation process once again for a new version.

Panel activation

After you install ARCPanel you would need to activate it.
If you have not purchased a copy, you will be able to run ARCPanel free for 7 days. On each start it will suggest to enter the licensing code.
If you purchased a copy, you should have received an email with licensing code. Additionally, you can find it in the Members Area.
After you enter your licensing code into ARCPanel, it will connect with your Adobe Photoshop serial number. On Creative Cloud subscriptions, Adobe allows to install Photoshop on 2 computers simultaneously, running any number of versions.
ARCPanel will work everywhere where your Photoshop works, as long as serial number is the same.
Of course, you might want to re-install Photoshop, or maybe even change Creative Cloud account or subscription. Don't worry, your copy of ARCPanel will stay with you.
In Members Area on the website you can always see which Adobe Photoshop Serial Number is now connected with ARCPanel. You can also disconnect them – this will allow you to activate ARCPanel once again on another copy of Adobe Photoshop.
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